Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Joy of Giving with a Servant's Heart

One of the best gifts I ever remember receiving from a friend is a clean bathroom. Really.

I was taking care of our newborn, our two-year-old, and our six-year-old and my husband, who had left a few months before, was remaining steadfast in his resolve for a divorce. I was falling to pieces in more ways than anyone even knew.

My friend came to my house and spent over an hour cleaning my bathroom. It was a huge bathroom... and she covered every square inch. She scrubbed the toilet, the tub, the tile and even the carpet where the cat had gotten sick (probably weeks before) and I had halfheartedly cleaned it up.

The love I felt from her when she gave with a servant's heart was so uplifting. I still remember that as the best gift I've ever received and will tell people so when a related topic comes up from time to time.

Giving a gift to someone who has had a new baby or is recovering from surgery is an automatic thing for some people... "Let's send flowers." It doesn't mean they care any less, and the gift receiver loves it as well... but caving to the automatic response can take the joy away from the gift giver.

I want to challenge you to put the JOY back into your giving.

Know that when you are giving a gift, it is something that is truly given with the receiver in mind. If you can't afford a gift that needs to be bought, consider what you can do for that person.

Offer to rock the new baby while the new mom takes a nap.
Offer to take the older sibling(s) to the park for the afternoon.
Make dinner for a family who is experiencing an illness.
Clean their kitchen.
Fold the laundry.
Or, don't even go in their house... just mow the yard.

Obviously, as a small business owner, I would encourage everyone to give a gift certificate for cleaning, cooking and errands from Hire A Housewife    ;-)  But really, everyone has the ability to do something meaningful for their friends... bless someone by having the heart of a servant.

You could even clean their deep freeze.

What is the best gift you've ever received? Leave a comment and let us know!

For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. Galations 5:13

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. My girlfriends know me all too well. Having someone come in and clean for me was the best gift ever. I still struggle with feeling guilty over it, feeling like I'm failing because I can't do it all... but knowing that my house is clean, and I'm not being a total jerk to the people who live in it... that's a gift for ALL of us!
