Sunday, July 14, 2013

Listening to God is Difficult

It's funny how we can believe we have heard God's clear and present voice in something... and still have it not work out. You can have the verses and the feelings and the faith to back it up... and yet nothing comes of it. Just a few weeks ago, that's where I was. I knew that the house that I looked at was ours... yet just a couple of days later is was listed as "Sale Pending." I was stumped.

Friends have given me explainations meant to make me feel better about why God didn't give us that house... maybe God has something better in store for us... or maybe He was just showing us what He will do for us in the future. But the truth is, I am not upset about the house. I am upset that I was so focused on what I wanted that I wasn't listening fully.

I could have just pretended that I never wrote that post. People forget. I could have deleted it altogether so nobody could prove I ever wrote it. But, I know that I am not the only one who makes this kind of mistake. Sharing it with you might encourage you the next time you believe for something that isn't to be or it might make you listen more carefully next time you believe you are hearing God's voice.

Once again and still, I am in a place where I need to be listening to His voice.

A week and a half ago a woman turned left in front of me while I was driving down the road and totaled my van. The fact that nobody was injured was a HUGE blessing. Then, the fact that my van's value and the pay-off were close enough to each other that the place I was buying the van from agreed to just "settle" for the amount the insurance company was sending was another huge blessing.

Here I am though, with two days left in a rental-car before I have to give it back and unsure of what I am going to be able to find for us, worried that I'm not listening... and I've shared in the past where not listening got me before!

On top of this, I am hiring again... something that is wonderful, but scary as well because the wrong employee could cause so many problems.

And... I still need God to find us the right place to live.

Not to mention all of those other smaller daily decisions I have make.

This is going to take A LOT of listening... 
The Amplified Bible says: Be careful therefore how you listen. For to him who has [spiritual knowledge] will more be given; and from him who does not have [spiritual knowledge], even what he thinks and guesses and supposes that he has will be taken away. Luke 8:18

This is going to take a lot of CAREFUL listening... not thinking and guessing and supposing.

My prayer tonight is that we all will take time to listen to God this week. Whether He is pointing down a life path, helping us with daily decisions or just simply reminding us how much He loves us. God is so good. He deserves the time it takes to stop and listen, and we all benefit in the process.

I believe that one by one each of these things will be worked out, and worked out for His glory... and when that does happen... I will let you know. :-)

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